“The class my mentee attends happened to schedule their Christmas Party during the hour I mentor, so I joined my little guy with his class as they built Gingerbread Houses. This hour was the best hour I spent with him and he was so proud to have me their with him (especially since his mom had cancelled on him). I got to meet most of his classmates during this time and they got to see someone who cares for him and I showed that same love toward them. Since the 4 Keys To Successful Mentoring is always on my mind, I got to learn most of their names and today still remember their faces and names. Our hour together was filled with laughter and a time to enjoy one another as they closed down the school before the long holiday break.
As I was preparing to leave, I said it was time for me to go and that I would see him in 3 weeks. He immediately jumped up out of his chair, threw his arms around me, and said, “But I don’t want you to go”. Wow and wow did this bring a tear to my eye.”
This story was submitted by our friends at Meadow Baptist Church in Lawrenceville, GA.