Helping your child learn how to read is not easy, but it can be fun! Start by letting your child choose a book that they would like to read. Then, follow the INSPECT Strategy to get the most out of your reading time together…
I- Introduce the cover (i.e. “This book has a picture of an ocean on it”)
N- Name the title
S- Share your prior knowledge (i.e. Ask if the child has ever seen an ocean. Talk about any experiences they have had or shows they have seen about the ocean to help them connect to the material in the book.)
P- Page through the book ( you will not start reading yet- this is just a “walk-through”)
E– Examine picture details ( as you look at the pictures, ask your child questions like “What do you think is happening here?)
C– Create a purpose for reading (i.e. “Let’s read this together to find out where sharks live!”)
T- Talk about challenging vocabulary words ( as you walk through, point out any new words and talk about these before you begin reading)

NOW, you are ready to read! This strategy will help your child to understand the book that they are reading.

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