Do your kids understand what they are reading?

Why do we read? We read for information and enjoyment, but this can’t happen if we don’t understand or comprehend what we are reading. Your students need to learn how to comprehend what they are reading and you can help them do this by asking questions BEFORE they read, AS they read and AFTER they read. Try asking…
* I wonder….
* How could that be?
* Why do you think?
* Who? What? Where? When?
* If the main character in your story won a million dollars, how do you think she/he would spend it? Why?
* Think of a character in your book. If this character had three wishes, what do you think they would be? Why?
* Describe a problem (conflict) that one of the characters in your story has. If you had the same problem, how would YOU solve it?
This is something you could do with all ages….the more practice students get with this when they are young, the easier it will be for them to comprehend harder text in the upper grades.
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