
With Christmas just around the corner, it is time to take a short break from our kiddos that we mentor. For some of you, this may cause some worries, since you are aware of family and home situations that are not ideal. I encourage you…I challenge you…to call your prayer partner today. Invite them to pray for your child this Christmas vacation and then trust that God is in control. Then, evaluate this past semester… have you kept in touch with your prayer partner? Do they know how to pray for your child? Do they know what your child looks like? Do they know your child’s special needs? Your prayer partner is a very special gift to the child that you mentor and to you. Imagine a beautifully wrapped gift underneath your Christmas tree this season…..would you ever think about ignoring it? Of course not! This is a gift meant to be open and enjoyed. In the same way, you prayer partner is a gift that needs to be open and enjoyed! Don’t ignore them…include them in your mentoring journey!

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