
Back from Florida after one week.  Found out it wasn’t very warm in Florida, so I spent a lot of time reading.  I found a book in the airport by Tim Keller entitled “The Prodigal God”; definitely would recommend it to you. Keller points out that both the elder brother and the younger brother were lost in God’s eyes.  I personally have never thought of it that way, but agree with Keller that Jesus told this story to tell us that there is better way  than either brother followed to find peace with God.  Jesus’ way involves prayer, service to others, allowing the gospel to change our inner nature, and healed relationships through Christ. While we all believe in these four principles, Keller points out that too often we don’t practice them and thus miss out on the power God has for our lives.  I plan to spend 2012 making sure that I apply the four principles Jesus left us with.

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